27 August 2011

A few thoughts...

Several days after Henry was born, I wrote an email to the daughter of a friend who is expecting her first son any day now.  She was curious about one little newborn detail, but as I composed the note, I found myself babbling about every detail that came to mind--the difficulty of changing a newborn's diaper, the exhaustion, the surges of emotions and the moments of weeping, the feelings of being completely overwhelmed and yet completely overjoyed.  After I finished writing and pressed "send", I was concerned that my commentary on the first few days as a mother may have been too truthful, that I may have divulged a little too much.  I shared with her both facts and feelings that people mentioned to me with complete detachment and lack of emotion, as if they had forgotten the raw details.  I am glad I shared with her when I was acutely aware of everything; I wish someone had done the same for me.  For, at two and a half weeks, I realize that, in fact, those raw details are and (almost) forgotten.  I am tired, but not exhausted (merci, Maman!).  I am busy, but not overwhelmed.  I am emotional, but not weepy.  And I am completely overjoyed, especially when I see this little fellow and hold him close to my heart... 

2 Weeks!

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