27 September 2013

Of Snakes and Songs

On Tuesday afternoon, I heard an embarrassing buzz coming from my desk. A cell phone was going off during class and it was my own! I glanced at the number, thought it looked like the secondary number for Henry's school, and went back to checking homework. Not a minute later, someone knocked on my door. "Henry's fine, but you need to take a call." Upon answering the phone, the director assured me that Henry was just fine but that I'd need to come and get him. The school was being evacuated; a baby copperhead had been found in the infant room. Yikes! It seems the little fellow did not like all of the recent rain and sought refuge in the nice, warm school.

In less reptilian news, Henry is quite the little singer. He sings many traditional children's songs, songs he makes up, and, recently, pop music. He does a nice rendition of Bieber's "Baby" and Rihanna's "Girl on Fire" (he calls it the fire song). This morning, he requested "the diamond in the sky" when we got in the car. The best part? I'm not teaching him any of these songs (thank you, sweet school!), so Nate can't ask me to switch to something more classically cool.
perfect days to play outside/bagel smile/lounging

I made the most delicious deep dish pizza this week, cast iron skillet and all. I can't wait to repeat it this weekend. It was that good.
Deep Dish Pizza

20 September 2013

Still Standing

I certainly did not plan a lengthy hiatus. Nate looked at the blog last night and I was surprised he remembered that the little space even existed. I was even more surprised to learn that he liked reading the posts as I wrote them and looking back over the old ones. It's a nice memory book for our family, after all.

A quick rewind of the past 3 (or 4...) months:

The trip was amazing, beautiful, and perfect, with the exception of wearing slippery sandals at the Louvre, where I managed to fall and slide down a flight of marble stairs. Perhaps a French queen fell down those same stairs many, many years ago. Nice was the highlight, made better with many cornets of salted caramel gelato.

Fall is here (hooray!), but I'm missing the long, sweet days of summer. I'm also missing how clean our house was for a few (too) short months. We had a lovely week at the beach riding bikes, playing in the water and in the sand, and enjoying uninterrupted time as a family.

Henry's 2nd birthday
The birthday celebration was a quiet affair. We made and ate cake. We played inside and out. Henry sang the birthday song to himself and demanded more cake. It was wonderful.

Henry as a two year old
Henry's just as sweet and loving as ever. He is talking nonstop, asking questions, and singing songs. He loves to go to school and play with his friends and teachers. He likes to eat ice cream and chocolate. He tells his father that the music is too loud. He is definitely my child.

Back to School
I'm six weeks in and feeling appropriately comfortable and tired. Is it Thanksgiving yet?