28 January 2012

Weekend Musings

This week, the French II classes learned about the history of French in North America and the Carnaval de Quebec.  At the end of the week, we made these adorable (and delectable) little Bonhomme Carnaval:

Cutest marshmallows EVER.  As if I needed another reason to love being a French teacher...

The little man now has an armchair. I fully anticipate that he will be reading Green Eggs and Ham to himself by next weekend and The New York Times by the time he is 7 months old.  

After months of not sitting down to read a thing, I devoured this series:

There are few things as satisfying as a good book!

Happy weekend!

10 January 2012

5 Months

Our little man is 5 months old today.  Without sounding completely cliche, I would like to ask: "Where did the time go?"  I find it hard to remember what our life was like without Henry, what I spent my time doing, what it felt like to be bored.  Life with Henry is a wonderful whirlwind.   

At 5 months, Henry is a healthy, joyful boy.  He is...
*rolling both ways (and enjoys practicing before the sun has come up).
*sleeping well (unless he is practicing his rolling skills).
*blowing raspberries.
*chewing on anything and everything.
*cooing, chattering and giggling. all.of.the.time.
*starting to reach for me. swoon.
*sitting for approximately 2 seconds before toppling over.
*making his parents fall more in love every single day.

07 January 2012


 I'm rather late in welcoming this new year.  The last few months have flown by and it simply doesn't seem possible that I need to start writing 2012 on things.
Before I fully embrace the new year, a few pictures from the holidays:

Visiting with Gam and cousin Aiden

The boys!  Aiden, Austin and Henry (who is clearly captivated by something other than the camera) 
Meeting cousin Jolie for the first time  

Henry has started eating solid food (though it isn't solid at all), which means that I have started exploring the  world of purees.  He has been eating sweet potatoes and avocados with great enthusiasm and learning to use a sippy cup.  Baby boy is growing up so fast!