28 September 2011

Beach Baby

Henry and I are enjoying a week at the beach with my parents, now affectionately know as Gam and Granddaddy.  The little one is enjoying napping in the shade (no sun for the pale babe and his equally pale mama!), sticking his toes in the water, and feeling the ocean breeze ruffle his hair.
Baby swim trunks! Love!

Like mother, like son...neither of us can keep our eyes open for a picture!

Father and Son

Henry loves his daddy! 


Austin, Henry and Aiden

Happy boys!  Aiden and Henry are only a few weeks apart--I can't wait until they can play together!

Sweet nephew!

23 September 2011


Actually, Henry wasn't "here."  He was at home with Gam and we were out, missing our little fellow. 

Home, as it turns out, has been an exciting place this week.  I have made two 911 calls, the only two of my life.  Domestic dispute, drunk driving, downtown domicile (alliteration?  yes, please!)--it's been an interesting week!  I love our old house and its downtown location, but I'm not sure about this new element.  I'd like a bit of peace and quiet, please!

16 September 2011

Sleeping Like a Baby

Henry and I take a lot of walks.  A LOT.  Why?  Because he likes to sleep in his stroller.  And I like when he sleeps (even if I can't sleep, too).  When we see people we know, they comment on how peaceful, calm, subdued, etc. he is.  And then comes the question:  "Is he sleeping through the night?"  Nope.  Not even close.  The peaceful, calm, subdued little lad sleeps in two-hour spurts, if we're lucky.  I wish he would give us a little more of this:

And a little less of this:

...between the hours of 10pm and 6am.  Someday, perhaps sleep shall return to this house. 

08 September 2011

4 Weeks!

We celebrated Henry's 4th week yesterday.  "How does one celebrate such a momentous occasion?" you may be wondering.  With the first-ever pair of long pants, of course!

06 September 2011

Vive la famille!

We are continuing to adjust to life as a family of three.  When Henry is taking a long nap (a rare but blessed event), we can't help but miss his warm, wiggly body snuggled in our arms.