All is bright!
A sweet and peaceful Christmas to each and every one.
22 December 2011
11 December 2011
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
29 November 2011
Two Years
Hearts full of...
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gratitude (Fall 2009) |
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love (November 28, 2009) |
joy (Summer 2010) |
hope (Summer 2011) |
gratitude, love, joy and hope (August 10, 2011) |
The past two years have brought exciting (and challenging!) changes. I can't wait to see what the next 58 years hold (that's right, I'm hoping for 60 years of least)!
23 November 2011
Crewcuts, the children's line at J.Crew, now has baby clothing. Even though I think it's silly to spend an arm and a leg on baby clothing (Henry has plenty of things he grew out of before he even had a chance to wear them!), there are few things that may be hard to resist...
Oeuf Lucien stripe baby jumper |
Oeuf Eiffel Tower (obviously something I need) |
20 November 2011
Student: You're so much cooler now that you have a baby!
Me: I thought you thought that I was pretty cool before!
Student: You were, but you're even better now.
I love the affirmation that comes from working with high school students. I am officially cooler than I was before.
In other news, Nate and I are getting ready to go grocery shopping for the week. We are prepared to fight off the hoards of hungry shoppers who have visions of turkey and stuffing dancing in their heads. As evidenced below, we won't be needing a turkey this year.
Me: I thought you thought that I was pretty cool before!
Student: You were, but you're even better now.
I love the affirmation that comes from working with high school students. I am officially cooler than I was before.
In other news, Nate and I are getting ready to go grocery shopping for the week. We are prepared to fight off the hoards of hungry shoppers who have visions of turkey and stuffing dancing in their heads. As evidenced below, we won't be needing a turkey this year.
He puts the legs of even the finest turkey to shame. |
12 November 2011
Three Months!
Henry reached the three month mark this past week. He has turned into such a delightful, happy little fellow and we are thankful each day that we get to be his parents.
At three months, Henry likes to play with Sophie the Giraffe, smile and coo, "read" books, gaze at himself in the mirror, snuggle, and take long walks.
Somewhere around week 9, Henry started to become a much better nighttime sleeper. I spent the summer reading everything I could about infant sleep, only to be shocked when I ended up with an acutely alert baby who was not particularly interested in following the patterns of theoretical babies in books. Surprise, surprise! Wake to feed? Never an issue. Put down drowsy but awake? Please! Those sleepless nights (and days) are becoming a thing of the past and, now that he only eats once during the night, I actually enjoy that quiet bit of cuddle time. When my students tell me about their weekend escapades, I am reminded that I will again have sleepless nights wondering where Henry is and what he is doing (unless he takes after me!). For now, I am happy to be awake, knowing that he is nestled safely in my arms.
At three months, Henry likes to play with Sophie the Giraffe, smile and coo, "read" books, gaze at himself in the mirror, snuggle, and take long walks.
Sauter, c'est magnifique! |
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Story time |
30 October 2011
Rah rah rah!
I've never been particularly interested in sports. I think I attended a total of 3 sporting events during college. I happened to be in graduate school the one year that Wake Forest had a good (or at least better than the other teams in the ACC) football team and did attend most of the home games. That, however, was largely social. Though I was excited when the Deacons won, I didn't really care about the outcome of the games.
And then I found myself in West Virginia where, it seems, everyone is a Mountaineer fan. I've never experienced anything like it, this constant explosion of blue and gold, this almost feverish allegiance and excitement. After five football seasons here, I still don't understand and I certainly don't get excited about the games.
Much to my chagrin (and Nate's pleasure), the first item in Henry's wardrobe was a WVU ensemble. He now has no less than four WVU onesies. Yesterday, he finally wore his first one. I'm sure today was only the first of many blue and gold days for this boy.
And then I found myself in West Virginia where, it seems, everyone is a Mountaineer fan. I've never experienced anything like it, this constant explosion of blue and gold, this almost feverish allegiance and excitement. After five football seasons here, I still don't understand and I certainly don't get excited about the games.
Much to my chagrin (and Nate's pleasure), the first item in Henry's wardrobe was a WVU ensemble. He now has no less than four WVU onesies. Yesterday, he finally wore his first one. I'm sure today was only the first of many blue and gold days for this boy. do I feel about this? |
Great! Let's go Mountaineers! |
21 October 2011
First Day of School
I went back to work on Monday and Henry had his first day of "school."
Henry seems to be unphased by his new routine, thank goodness, and I am adjusting, too. I commented to a colleague that it is kind of nice not to be thinking about a child's needs at every.single.moment. And then I stopped. And thought. And realized that it's not one child's, but 65 teenagers' needs I'm thinking about now. Even still, it's fun to be back at work, to have social interaction and to settle into a routine.
Henry seems to be unphased by his new routine, thank goodness, and I am adjusting, too. I commented to a colleague that it is kind of nice not to be thinking about a child's needs at every.single.moment. And then I stopped. And thought. And realized that it's not one child's, but 65 teenagers' needs I'm thinking about now. Even still, it's fun to be back at work, to have social interaction and to settle into a routine.
12 October 2011
10 October 2011
Fall weather means that it is time for warm, comforting recipes. A baby in the house means that it is time for quick and easy recipes. I've never been a fan of the crockpot, but I'm trying to learn to love it. This weekend, Nate and I made White Bean and Chicken Chili.
It was delicious, but not as quick and easy as I had hoped. I would definitely make it again, but I would simplify things and make a few modifications. Why use bone-in chicken when you can use boneless? Why brown the chicken (and dirty another pan!) when it's going to be cooking for 6 hours? The chili was a little on the soupy side, so I would reduce the amount of chicken broth and definitely not add water. Even though it is a white BEAN chili, I would remove one can of beans and use a can of hominy instead. We added corn this time, but I prefer hominy. Finally, I would add a little more spice. Basically, I would rewrite the recipe!
It was delicious, but not as quick and easy as I had hoped. I would definitely make it again, but I would simplify things and make a few modifications. Why use bone-in chicken when you can use boneless? Why brown the chicken (and dirty another pan!) when it's going to be cooking for 6 hours? The chili was a little on the soupy side, so I would reduce the amount of chicken broth and definitely not add water. Even though it is a white BEAN chili, I would remove one can of beans and use a can of hominy instead. We added corn this time, but I prefer hominy. Finally, I would add a little more spice. Basically, I would rewrite the recipe!
Cinderelly, Cinderelly
There are five fireplaces in our house. Five fireplaces that attract dust like picnics attract ants. Five dusty fireplaces that taunt me each time I walk past them Perhaps it's the fact that we live in a 100+ year old house, but I feel like no matter how much or how often I dust, more dust magically appears. Fortunately, I like tidying up our house--vacuuming, dusting, cleaning baseboards, organizing--be still, my heart! Having Henry in the house has seriously reduced the amount of time and energy that I can devote to such tasks. Sometimes, it is a bit difficult to see the dust and look the other way, accepting that a few extra dust bunnies, a pile of ironing, and shoes lined up by the door are not nearly as important, and certainly not as entertaining, as a chubby little baby.
That chubby little baby is two months old today! Henry is ever alert, curious and, in my completely unbiased opinion, just as cute as ever.
That chubby little baby is two months old today! Henry is ever alert, curious and, in my completely unbiased opinion, just as cute as ever.
28 September 2011
Beach Baby
Henry and I are enjoying a week at the beach with my parents, now affectionately know as Gam and Granddaddy. The little one is enjoying napping in the shade (no sun for the pale babe and his equally pale mama!), sticking his toes in the water, and feeling the ocean breeze ruffle his hair.
Baby swim trunks! Love! |
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Like mother, like son...neither of us can keep our eyes open for a picture! |
23 September 2011
Actually, Henry wasn't "here." He was at home with Gam and we were out, missing our little fellow.
Home, as it turns out, has been an exciting place this week. I have made two 911 calls, the only two of my life. Domestic dispute, drunk driving, downtown domicile (alliteration? yes, please!)--it's been an interesting week! I love our old house and its downtown location, but I'm not sure about this new element. I'd like a bit of peace and quiet, please!
Home, as it turns out, has been an exciting place this week. I have made two 911 calls, the only two of my life. Domestic dispute, drunk driving, downtown domicile (alliteration? yes, please!)--it's been an interesting week! I love our old house and its downtown location, but I'm not sure about this new element. I'd like a bit of peace and quiet, please!
16 September 2011
Sleeping Like a Baby
Henry and I take a lot of walks. A LOT. Why? Because he likes to sleep in his stroller. And I like when he sleeps (even if I can't sleep, too). When we see people we know, they comment on how peaceful, calm, subdued, etc. he is. And then comes the question: "Is he sleeping through the night?" Nope. Not even close. The peaceful, calm, subdued little lad sleeps in two-hour spurts, if we're lucky. I wish he would give us a little more of this:
And a little less of this:
...between the hours of 10pm and 6am. Someday, perhaps sleep shall return to this house.
And a little less of this:
...between the hours of 10pm and 6am. Someday, perhaps sleep shall return to this house.
08 September 2011
4 Weeks!
We celebrated Henry's 4th week yesterday. "How does one celebrate such a momentous occasion?" you may be wondering. With the first-ever pair of long pants, of course!
06 September 2011
Vive la famille!
We are continuing to adjust to life as a family of three. When Henry is taking a long nap (a rare but blessed event), we can't help but miss his warm, wiggly body snuggled in our arms.
30 August 2011
Chunky Monkey
Henry had his 3 week pediatrician visit today. Based on his insatiable appetite and chipmunk cheeks, I knew that he was growing, though I didn't realize how much he was growing! Henry tipped the scale at 8 lbs 12 oz (up 2 lbs since birth) and measured 20 1/2 inches long. At birth, he was in the 12th percentile for weight. He is now in the 50th percentile for weight, but only the 25th percentile for height. We have a roly poly little fellow on our hands! Clearly the little man has a healthy appetite, and appears to be healthy in all other respects, too. Merci à dieu!
27 August 2011
A few thoughts...
Several days after Henry was born, I wrote an email to the daughter of a friend who is expecting her first son any day now. She was curious about one little newborn detail, but as I composed the note, I found myself babbling about every detail that came to mind--the difficulty of changing a newborn's diaper, the exhaustion, the surges of emotions and the moments of weeping, the feelings of being completely overwhelmed and yet completely overjoyed. After I finished writing and pressed "send", I was concerned that my commentary on the first few days as a mother may have been too truthful, that I may have divulged a little too much. I shared with her both facts and feelings that people mentioned to me with complete detachment and lack of emotion, as if they had forgotten the raw details. I am glad I shared with her when I was acutely aware of everything; I wish someone had done the same for me. For, at two and a half weeks, I realize that, in fact, those raw details are and (almost) forgotten. I am tired, but not exhausted (merci, Maman!). I am busy, but not overwhelmed. I am emotional, but not weepy. And I am completely overjoyed, especially when I see this little fellow and hold him close to my heart...
2 Weeks! |
21 August 2011
One of the best parts of being a mother... being a daughter, too. Watching my own mother with her grandson is a tremendous joy and blessing.
My saintly mother, who is one of my dearest friends and greatest role models, arrived several days ago to spend time with her newest grandson and to help me and Nate. Her experience and guidance are great comforts as we navigate parenthood. Having a third set of helping hands is invaluable, especially when those hands are fixing delicious meals, soothing Henry during the middle of the night, or giving me a hug. Her presence brings added light to our already bright house and I am brimming with thankfulness that she is here with us.
Is it love? I think so! |
17 August 2011
1 Week Old
Henry is one week old today! It's hard to believe that it has already been a week, and then again, it's hard to believe that it has only been a week! Nate and I are enjoying getting to know our little man. He loves to be sunggled and cuddled and to ride in the car or in his stroller. We think he is pretty perfect and, despite the exhaustion, are loving every minute with him!
So tiny in his seat! |
16 August 2011
13 August 2011
Presenting, in person, that 19 inch bundle of dynamite...
09 August 2011
Back to School
It's that time of year again...the start of a new school year! Ever since I was little, I have loved getting ready to go back to school. Trips to Office Depot and Target for the purchasing of new pens, notebooks, and folders? Heaven! Picking out an outfit for the first day? Even better! Now, as a teacher, I love being back in my classroom, decorating the walls, rearranging the desks, and getting everything in order for the students' arrival. I have been eyeing a new planner at Erin Condren (sigh!) and am anxious to have it in my hands and start planning to my heart's content.
Even with the promise of new supplies and new clothes, this year will be a little different. Yes, I have already been in my classroom, organizing, arranging, and puttering around. But, instead of handing out schedules to students at Registration (tomorrow!) and watching them squeal in excitement as they greet their friends and compare their classes, I will be at the hospital. That's right, it's August 9 and little Henry is being stubborn, just like his mother. Unless he decides to change his tune in next 12 hours (unlikely), he will be evicted. This is not what I had planned, but when I'm holding him in my arms tomorrow, I won't care. And next week, when someone else is greeting my students on the first day, I don't think I'll be likely to care either. This year will be a little different, maybe even a little better, and my new planner can gather a little bit of dust until October. Tomorrow I'm having a baby!
Even with the promise of new supplies and new clothes, this year will be a little different. Yes, I have already been in my classroom, organizing, arranging, and puttering around. But, instead of handing out schedules to students at Registration (tomorrow!) and watching them squeal in excitement as they greet their friends and compare their classes, I will be at the hospital. That's right, it's August 9 and little Henry is being stubborn, just like his mother. Unless he decides to change his tune in next 12 hours (unlikely), he will be evicted. This is not what I had planned, but when I'm holding him in my arms tomorrow, I won't care. And next week, when someone else is greeting my students on the first day, I don't think I'll be likely to care either. This year will be a little different, maybe even a little better, and my new planner can gather a little bit of dust until October. Tomorrow I'm having a baby!
24 July 2011
Hot diggity!
People say the funniest, and frequently the sweetest, things to pregnant women.
Today, I went to get a donut (yes, I have a deep affection for their sugary, cakey goodness, visit Donut Connection regularly, and like to chat with the ladies who work there). After discussing the nursery and how many weeks I have left, the sweet donut lady exclaimed, "you're going to be skinnier than a fence rail after that baby comes! hot diggity!"
Today, I went to get a donut (yes, I have a deep affection for their sugary, cakey goodness, visit Donut Connection regularly, and like to chat with the ladies who work there). After discussing the nursery and how many weeks I have left, the sweet donut lady exclaimed, "you're going to be skinnier than a fence rail after that baby comes! hot diggity!"
17 July 2011
Nine Months!
16 July 2011
And baby makes three...
Welcome! Nate and I are awaiting our new little bundle of joy, Henry. His expected arrival is not until August 9, but we are ready for him to make his appearance at any time now. We'll be using this blog to share updates, photos, and other interesting tidbits about our life as a family of three.
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